Upcoming activities at Peach Springs Elementary School BOTH on Thursday, May 18th. FIELD DAY 6th grade Move up dinner
almost 2 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
6th grade
field day
Peach Springs Community, RE: Music Mountain Graduation Ceremony on May 22, 2023 The graduating class of 2023 is celebrating at 6pm at Music Mountain High School Gymnasium. We have nine (9) individuals whom have earned their diplomas this year. Please join us on May 22nd! All are welcome! 6pm @MMHS Gymnasium
almost 2 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
8TH GRADE PARENTS, GUARDIANS, FAMILY AND COMMUNITY: RE: 8TH grade promotion Details Promotion Practice is May 22nd 9:30 start time *please be a few minutes early* Parents/Escorts are welcome to attend practice Dress is casual for practice Students/Families may leave after practice Promotion starts at 3pm *please arrive by 2:30* Students should wear something nice - church or event attire. For questions, please call 928-455-5003 Thank you, MMHS
almost 2 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
8th grade promo
All, Please see info below for today's meeting at 5:00pm at the Elementary School. Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83149422632?pwd=OUpKQWlYZEVUVktabXFBS3pHbWhnUT09 Meeting ID: 831 4942 2632 Passcode: peach Good afternoon, Please see link to zoom meeting below: One tap mobile +16699006833,,83149422632# US (San Jose) +12532158782,,83149422632# US (Tacoma) Dial by your location +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 436 2866 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) Meeting ID: 831 4942 2632 Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kdxueV9nIg Link to Agenda here: https://go.boarddocs.com/az/psusd8/Board.nsf/vpublic?open
almost 2 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
Please invite anyone interested in attending!  This would include parents/ guardians of 8th / 12th grade students Please share this information. Graduation committee volunteers, parents, guardians, interested parties, 1. After collective input from all of you, including Hualapai Education Department, staff, and parents-- the combined feedback it was universally requested to have an earlier promotion time for our students. The time has been set for 3:00pm for the 8th grade promotion, on Monday, May 22nd. After contacting each family if the senior graduates, Senior graduation has been moved up earlier as well and will be at 6pm Monday, May 22nd. 2. We will have a parent/ guardian/ volunteer meeting on Monday, May 1, 2023 at 4pm at Music Mountain High School in the library to make plans for the promotion. In the meantime, our 8th grade students have been busy planning their promotion, including choosing a staff speaker, a motto, a song, and are even campaigning for who will be make the keynote student address! See you on Monday! Please share this information.
almost 2 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
8th Grade Promotion / Senior Graduation Parent planning meeting Monday, May 1, 2023 4pm Music Mountain High School LIBRARY 16500 Hwy 66 Peach Springs, AZ Decorating, practice times, collaboration. We are 3 weeks out.
almost 2 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
Parents, Guardians, Family and Friends of PSUSD, Please click on link for letter to community from Superintendent Santiago and Board President Zephier here: https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:1bfc8034-46c7-3bad-92df-0b9e43b2fbc4 Thank you
almost 2 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
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almost 2 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
Dear Peach Springs Community, UPDATE: The next PSUSD special board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 19th at 2pm at Peach Springs Elementary. This was previously set for Tuesday, and is now on Wednesday, 4/19. Thank you
almost 2 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
Please join us at the Elementary School for planning / organizing our 8th grade promotion and 12th grade graduation ceremonies.
almost 2 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
Reminder, FRIDAY IS A SCHOOL DAY FOR ALL PSUSD STUDENTS. 7:30AM- 1:00PM Thank you, Superintendent Santiago
almost 2 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
Parents, Guardians, Family, Friends of PSUSD8 Students, Due to the number of snow days this year, it is necessary to add (4) FOUR additional days to our SY2022-2023 Academic calendar. The first one is FAST approaching, next Friday, March 31, 2023. Please plan and adjust your schedules accordingly. We have missed too much learning time, and this is an opportunity to gain lost time and make up those days. FOUR ADDITIONAL DAYS: 3/31/23 5/18/2023 5/22/2023 5/23/2023 Stay tuned for reminders, and if you'd please share this information with your friends and family, that is appreciated. We'd like to have as close to 100% attendance if possible. Thanks for all you do and supporting our students of PSUSD. Superintendent Santiago
almost 2 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
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TWO HOUR DELAYED START WEDNESDAY MARCH 22nd Peach Springs Community, Family, Friends of PSUSD Students, Due to the inclement weather coming in this evening, overnight and in the morning, we will be having a delayed start for all district students by ONE HOUR. PSE- START @9:30AM, breakfast at 9:00AM MMHS - START @10:00Am, breakfast served upon arrival at school. We will continue to monitor the weather conditions as we always do, stay tuned for additional updates via Facebook, email, and text messaging. Stay warm, stay safe! Kind Regards, William
almost 2 years ago, Gracie Santiago
Message from PSUSD#8: Message from PSUSD#8: DELAYED START WEDNESDAY MARCH 22nd Peach Springs Community, Family, Friends of PSUSD Students, Due to the inclement weather coming in this evening, overnight and in the morning, we will be having a delayed start for all district students by ONE HOUR. PSE- START @8:30AM, breakfast at 8:00AM MMHS - START @9:00Am, breakfast served upon arrival at school. We will continue to monitor the weather conditions as we always do, stay tuned for additional updates via Facebook, email, and text messaging. Stay warm, stay safe! Kind Regards, William
almost 2 years ago, Gracie Santiago
Attention 10th and 12th grade students!! There will not be session in person please attend remotely unless it's notated on the schedule that you are testing starting Monday, March 27. If you want to attend PM lab, the lab will be open Tuesday/Wednesdays from 2pm to 4pm, April 4th thru April 26th until the testing window closes. 11th graders can be on campus on specified testing days 9th graders remain on regular schedule
almost 2 years ago, Peach Springs
PSUSD Governing Board Meeting Tuesday, March 21st @2PM in the Elementary School BoardRoom at 403 Diamond Creek Rd. LINK to AGENDA: https://go.boarddocs.com/az/psusd8/Board.nsf/vpublic?open
almost 2 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
board meeting pic
Read on Hualapai Tuesday March 21st at 5:00pm.
almost 2 years ago, Gracie Santiago
read on
HEW Schedule of classes and community events
almost 2 years ago, Gracie Santiago
Peach Springs Community, Due to the incoming serious weather, and safety for our staff and students, school is CANCELLED Thursday, March 2nd for all KG-12th grade students in the Peach Springs School District. This includes the Elementary, Music Mountain Jr./Sr. High School and District Offices School is closed, Thursday, March 2nd. Stay safe, stay warm! Superintendent Santiago
almost 2 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
snow day
Peach Springs Community, Due to the incoming serious weather, and safety for our staff and students, school is cancelled for Wednesday, March 1st for all KG-12th grade students in the Peach Springs School District. This includes the Elementary, Music Mountain Jr./Sr. High School and District Offices. AGAIN, School is closed, Wednesday, March 1st. Stay safe, stay warm! Superintendent Santiago
almost 2 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
snow day