A message from Superintendent Santiago: Hello, parents & guardians, I wanted to say thank you so much for your patience and understanding and collaboration as we made it through an eventful afternoon. As of 5:00 o'clock this evening, water has been restored to our building and to our adjacent apartment complex. School will resume tomorrow on Tuesday, April 25th as regularly scheduled. Thank you so much. Look forward to seeing your students in school tomorrow. Superintendent Santiago.
almost 3 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
Good afternoon, School is being cancelled for the remainder of today at 2:15pm due to a water leak in the main building. We must shut off all water to the school. PLEASE NOTE: Students that take the bus will be transported home as usual on the bus. Students that walk and parents pick up will be released at 215pm For any questions please call the school at 928 769-2202, 100. Thank you for your cooperation as we make a repair to the school. Regards. Superintendent Santiago.
almost 3 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
The students of Peach Springs Elementary School participated in the 2022 La Paz walk. Students dressed in ribbon skirts and shirts and all parents were welcome to join us.
almost 3 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
la Paz 3
la Paz 2
la Paz 1
la Paz 4
ATTENTION: The students of PSUSD / Peach Springs Elementary School will be participating in the La Paz walk on Thursday, April 21, 2022. Specifically, those students whom have turned in a SIGNED permission slip. PSUSD LaPaz walk Itinerary: (lower grades) Thursday April 21, 2022 9:00am -10:30am Kindergarten - 2nd grade ALL Parents welcome! Bird skirt and Ribbon shirt welcome. PSUSD LaPaz walk Itinerary Thursday April 21, 2022 1:00pm -2:45pm 3rd grade - 8th grade Parents welcome! Bird skirt and Ribbon shirt welcome. If your student has not turned in a permission slip to participate, please stop by the school and sign one at the front office reception area. You may also give your verbal permission as well if you with to call us at 928-769-2202, ext. 100. We welcome you to join us! Thank you, PSUSD Administration
almost 3 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
la paz photo
ATTENTION: Next week, on Monday, April 4, 2022 - All 3rd - 8th grade students will be taking their annual tests here at Peach Springs Elementary. As a gentle reminder for our students and families: Please get a good night's sleep, be on-time, and come to school early to have a delicious, nutritious breakfast! These things will set our students up for success!
almost 3 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
testing image
Our fabulous 4th grade students are working on equivalent fractions. Hands-on activities are engaging and accelerate learning of the Arizona State Standards.
almost 3 years ago, John Riddle
4th G Student
Today was our successful first day of our new bus route at PSUSD8. Please check your students backpacks tonight for important information that has been sent home today! Thank you, Principal Riddle
almost 3 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
KG-8TH GRADE PEACH SPRINGS ELEMENTARY BUS ROUTE SCHEDULE (EFFECTIVE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 2022): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lOABcSJZV-HdGjxMK3a2hFjOzKEw_V9q/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103368244608915575042&rtpof=true&sd=true
almost 3 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
almost 3 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
Bus Route(s) for both Peach Springs Elementary and Music Mountain High start Wednesday, March 23rd.
almost 3 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
Schedule update - March 21, 2022 School starts at 730am for all KG-8th grade students. This is a return to all day, in person learning. Students will be on site Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays all day. School starts at 7:30am.
almost 3 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
District wide spring break! March 14th - 17th Return to school: Monday, March 21st. Please note: Full in person, on site regular ALL DAY schedule resumes Monday, March 21st. For any questions, please call the school at 928-769-2202, ext. 100 for further information.
almost 3 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
spring break
PSUSD8 Governing Board President Michelle Zephier, Board Clerk Juanita Cooper, along with William Santiago tour the future nurses station and attendance / Registrar and Dean of Students office area. Axiom Construction is our partner and is working diligently to complete the remodel to repurpose the space. We are excited ! Stay tuned for more pictures and updates!
almost 3 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
attendance 2
nurses station
nurses station 2
Job fair today in partnership with Grand Canyon Resort Corporation and Peach Springs Unified School District. We are here until 3pm at the gym at Music Mountain High School @ 16500 Hwy 66 Peach Springs AZ 86401 Fill out on line app at: PSUSD8.org Call the school for more information at: 928-769-2202, 140
almost 3 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
booth job fair
job fair sign
gym job fair
Wednesday, March 9th from 10:00am-3:00pm there will be a GCRC/PSUSD Job Fair at Music Mountain High School in the gym. There will be many different employment opportunities and we look forward to seeing you there!
almost 3 years ago, Gracie Santiago
job fair
Sunshine Martinez, our new “WIOA”(Workforce Innovations Opportunity Act) staff support member, and Jane Baumbach, ELA (English Language Arts) Administrator working together on Destiny Discovery On-line library resources catalog. This organizes and puts all of our current library books and materials into reading levels for our students. This allows easy access and choices for your PSUSD learner.
almost 3 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
new destiny discover
catalog system
new sunshine
ANNOUNCEMENT !! Please look for an all new way to communicate with your students school, teacher, and keep up on all the latest and greatest happenings at PSUSD. Watch for flyer to come home in your students back pack, listen to KWLP “the Peach,” as well as feel free to please call or stop by the school for any questions you may have.
almost 3 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
new app screen
PSUSD traveled to Glendale AZ today to attend the Arizona Department of Education 2022 Job Fair. We were here to network and recruit for the upcoming school 2022-2023 school year. If you or someone you know Is looking for a job, please visit us at PSUSD8.org and complete an online application.
almost 3 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
Meal deliveries - There will be no breakfast and lunch today delivered via our school van due to the current weather and road conditions and the safety and well-being of our staff. Thank you for your understanding. Normal school and food operations will resume on Thursday, February 24, 2022.
almost 3 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
Weds., 2/23 6:15am. There is no school today, due to the overnight winter weather and road conditions. Stay home, stay safe!
almost 3 years ago, Peach Springs Unified School District
School is closed